Newest Addition - Hayden

Newest Addition - Hayden

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Back to School

Well - it's that time again. Back to school!! I actually like being back on a schedule......but makes for a long day!

We are moving some rooms around at the house, painted Candace's room and about to floor it, then will move the scrap room into there and redo the middle room for Candace, paint and flooring. Then Chase's room will get a new floor too! Alot to do. Already have Candace's room painted and it looks good.

I made a sad decision to not teach piano this year. I've taught for 23 years and it was very hard for me to let that go but with 16 hours of college and working full time - I just had to do it.

Have a great week!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Busy Life!

Well - we did get Chase moved into his Brand New Dorm - I think Candace was jealous lol. We did get Candace moved into her apt with Ms. Jaime!! It was a long 2 days but Gary and I had a great time. We miss our kiddos but I have to admit - we are enjoying our time alone. Candace came home Thursday - Sunday. She was busy while she was home - but loved having her here! We got a youtube of Kenzi Lynn!!!! Love it!
There you go if you'd like to see our Grandbaby - and oh yea! We have another grandbaby on the way. Candace and I will be going to Italy in the early summer to meet Sweet Burns Baby #2!!!!! Yea!!!

Summer school is over for now. 16 hours to come in the fall but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and God has given me such strength to finish this degree! I cannot wait until I have my very own classroom. I miss teaching - even though I'm in a Middle school right now and love every minute of it!

Have a great week! Blessings!!!