Well March is here and off to a bang. We had TAKS testing yesterday which I think is absolutely stupid! But then no one asked me lol. I think it was the longest test taking day of the year!
We are counting the days to spring break. Candace and Chase have spring break next week. Mine is the next. Candace is going skiing - hopefully to have a great time. Chase doesn't have plans due to his basketball season. Hopefully he will get to come home.
19 days until Peyton's due date! OMG!!! I cannot wait to see him!!! and Kenzi Lynn!!!
Chase tested out of his math class and he was so excited and of course we were too!!! Seems like he's doing well in school! My nephew Trevor was nominated and chosen to the Student of the year at Cain Middle School for the Rotary Club. He also won this in 6th grade. We are sooooo proud of him!!! You rock Trevor!!!!!
We obtained a new dog last night - he slept in bed with us last night and booted Gary out of bed! lol...Gary came back to find him sleeping on his pillow - needless to say, Elvis, yes that is his name and we didn't name him - might change it - he will not be sleeping with us again...according to Gary haha.
Church has really been awesome the last few weeks...making me think about who I am and who I should be......hhhhhmmmmm What would God label me as???