Newest Addition - Hayden

Newest Addition - Hayden

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving is upon us..........

"Do not get tired of doing what is good. Don't get discouraged and give up, for we will reap a harvest of blessing at the appropriate time."
- Galatians 6:9

Greatful - Thankful hearts - we are so blessed. 
We will miss family this year
We will see family this year
We will give thanks for All
All that we have been blessed with
All that we have not been blessed with
what a wonderful time to be thankful

My list could go on and on and on....suffice to say that Gary and I are blessed beyond measure and there is no way to list all of our blessings and not leave one off.  We have a wonderful family, wonderful jobs, wonderful friends, wonderful church family, wonderful "things"...........

I watch my kiddos at school and listen to their stories of joy and heart ache.  It's hard to teach them to learn something from everything good and bad but I try.  We talk about our thanks - and reach out to show our thanks!  What a blessing to be able to work with all kinds of children and learn from them and teach them!

Be thankful this year for something.  Good and Bad - the good can bring bad and the bad can bring good and it's all in God's plan.

Thank you God for you blessings - we are thankful!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Summer is out and Fall is IN!!!!

Love Fall

hello Monday.
saying goodbye to Summer is bittersweet.
i LOVE Summer.
i love the sunshine.
like the heat - don't love it.
sitting by the pool.
soaking up the rays.
Summer just does something for my soul.
i am blown away with where i am.
life is ever changing.
i am in awe of life's goodness.
of my blessings.
for my family.
my children.
and right now the most
important person in my life.
my Mr.
i am grateful.
there are no words to describe how i feel.
there just isn't a word big enough to
 describe, define or explain.
i am happy.
today i am bursting.
with happiness.
My kids are wonderful.
i love my girl.
my daughter.
my friend.
the relationship i have with her is different.
she is my middle child.
my spoiled child.
makes me laugh.
she's quick - loud - happy - fun.
she's a care-giver.
My first son - my oldest
bossy - military - loving-compassionate
has made a wonderful family
with his precious wife.
Kenzi, our first grandbaby
so witty and cheerful
Peyton our first Grandson
so loving and precious
My last born child - the youngest
funny  - spoiled - artistic
me with my Mr.
just the two of us.
my wonderful Mr.
loving, musical, compassionate,
caring, humble
there is always something to look forward to.
this Summer has been full.
chuck full.
looking forward to the Fall.
Love Fall
Love the coolness in the air.
Love the gold and yellow colors everywhere
Love that football has started
Mum's everywhere
so goodbye Summer.
hello Fall.


Friday, September 21, 2012

Summer has Begun!!!!

School is out and our summer has begun and we cannot wait until next week!!! Disneyland is the first adventure!!  

I have been busy making Kenzi and Peyton Mickie and Minnie shirts!! Gary bought a Singer Futura Sewing machine for me about a month ago and I've just started playing with it and oh my goodness I love it!!!!

We had a great trip to Disneyland with everyone except Chaser...The kids loved it!!!
A great time with the Burns family!!! Love Loved it!!!

We went to Galveston with mom and dad and had a great time!!

We went back to Florida to Seacrest beach with the Blackleys and had a marvelous time -  now back to school......hmmmmm

Schools In!!!!

Kenzie and Peyton both started school this year and as far as I can tell they love it!  Kenzi wishes it was all day!! Peyton is doing well and it is giving mom a break and she is able to have one on one time with each of the kiddos!

My school is back and we are having a great start!!!

Candace is a nurse at an elementary school in the Birdville ISD district and absolutely loves it!!! 

Chase is still working and has started his 2nd apprentice year.  He seems to enjoy his work and is learning alot of life lessons along the way!

Gary just got back from Germany and is desperately trying to get his traveling schedule changed.  Hopefully by the end of the year he will be home a bit more often :)

Kenzi's first day!!!!                                                             
Cutie Peyton!!!                                                 
Blessings this beautiful Fall day!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Kenzi Lynn

Today is Kenzi's 5th birthday!!!  Oh my how time flies!!!  She will start kindergarten in July.  What a joy Grandbabies are!  It is so fun to watch them grow and watch their personalities defining!! I just love it all....wish they were closer but it's all in God's plan!!!

Happy Birthday Sweet Kenzi

Hope you have a great time this weekend!!!

You are Pop's and Mimi's Princess!!!!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Happy Birthday Peyton Shaun Burns

Today is Peyton's 3rd birthday....He is such a joy to be around - always a smile on his sweet face!!!  I will be traveling next Weekend to see the Burns Family and I cannot wait to see Peyton and Kenzi!!!

Children grow so fastly!  I remember Shaun calling me and telling me Peyton was here and how much he weighed..10.5 oh my goodness I thought - Poor Misti!!!  And they were miles away in Italy.  Pops went over in April of that year for Kenzi's birthday and loved on Peyton then.  Candace and I finally got to see him and hold him when he was 8 weeks old and he was precious!!! Just cooed with us and talked to us.  I still have that video - makes me smile every time.  He has milestones each and everyday and will continue through many years of his sweet life.  He has such a sweet and precious smile and huge blue eyes!!!  What a handsome boy he is!

God Bless Peyton in his growing years.  Protect him and guide him as he grows.

We love you Peyton!

Pops and Mimi

Friday, February 24, 2012


I so have spring fever!!!  Our spring break isn't until the first week in April which will really make the last 2 months go by fast!!! AND I get to keep my grandbabies for a couple of days while their parents celebrate their anniversary!  I'm SO SO excited!

Alot has gone one in our circle of family and friends....Chase is living in Arlington and loving being 20 minutes from his job instead of over an hour.  Gary is still in Bentonville but slowly working on doing something else!  Candace is still in Tyler and loving her job and her friend boy has moved back to Tyler so she is a happy girl!
Kenzi Lynn starts school in July!! Peyton will start a preschool at somepoint soon.  They are growing up so fast!  Love Love on your kiddos -  time is short and we just never know God's plan for us all.

Blessings this beautiful day!!