Newest Addition - Hayden

Newest Addition - Hayden

Monday, September 15, 2008

Pay Day!!!

So Dinner with Carol was a blast!!! We always love to talk and talk and talk! Takes us hours to catch up on life!

So Saturday was crazy with the weather!!! We are all safe and accounted for. Praying for all that stayed behind in Galveston - I just don't understand when it's a mandatory evacuation - why do they stay behind then complain when the rescue people can't get to them or they don't have water or electricity!!!! They were told to leave! Guess you have to be in their shoes to understand but I SURE wouldn't be complaining! Pray that they are all found soon!

Misti and Makenzi come home in 10 days - I cannot wait!!!!!

Candace turns 21 in 8 days!!!

My my we are busy!

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