Newest Addition - Hayden

Newest Addition - Hayden

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We've had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday so far! Shaun, Misti and the kiddos were here. Candace came in too! We had all of our kiddos under one roof for a couple of days. We had the Newells, Owens, Satterwhites and Lovelaces all here for Thanksgiving Thursday!! What a joy. We are such a blessed family!
Kenzi got to help Pops and Mimi decorate the tree - it was so sweet!!! I just love the holidays and are so thankful that Shauns family is back in the states!!!
Candace graduates from Nursing School in December and has been offered 3 jobs and has accepted one in Pedi at a hospital in Tyler. We are so proud of her!!!! December will be crazy again this year! Bring it on! lolol
Gary resigned from a long stint with IBM and is now working for SAP. So far the stress level is great! He misses the craziness I'm sure but I love having him not glued to that work phone - for now anway.
Chase is still chugging along at school trying to decide what he wants to do when he grows up lolol.
I'm still teaching Art in Crandall and loving it. I will also be playing for the Crandall High School musical Charlie Brown in December - that will be interesting! I haven't played for a musical in a while but loving the adventure!
Hope all have a blessed Holiday Season! Take time to remember why we celebrate Christmas! Jesus!
Ciao for now!

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